I've decided to start blogging my eating adventures. Mostly because cooking has become increasingly boring lately and this will add some excitement to my life. I'm not that girl who shares what she eats because I have an eating disorder. I don't believe in dieting. I think diets, like budgets, are lame and evil. On that financial note, some may consider me cheap and wonder why I can't afford regular food, this has nothing to do with that. Really I am just trying to be more resourceful so my money can be used for more important things. I decided to put cost next to my meals. If it is something I have in the pantry it's free which I realize isn't super accurate but going forward, if I grocery shop, I'll consider those costs.
On my sister's recommendation I stole the title from Carrie Sun's blog on hospital eating .

Thursday, May 31, 2012

end of an era

My semester ended a few weeks ago but I decided to wait until the end of May to tally up my 5 month spending.  Any guesses?

as for today...
Breakfast: Bean, cheese, egg breakfast burrito - similar to my dinner from last night. ($0)
Snack: I basically always want ice cream but decided to see if I could instead be satiated by frozen juice. My roommate was getting rid of a bunch of those Crystal Light to-go juices so I mixed some up and froze some...not too bad. ($0)
Lunch: Carrot sticks, hummus and string cheese.  ($0)
2nd Lunch: Yogurt and mini fig newtons. ($0)
Dinner: Mango shake. Both my mother and sister became allergic to mangos later in life so I decided I need to eat up while I can. ($5.34)

5 Month Total: $316.59, if I bring in my statistic skills and remove the outliers ($111.10 when Jenn was here) I averaged $41.10/month

1 comment:

  1. don't tell dylan. i'll be busted because this is like less than a half-week total for us. way to go sister!
